Field Report - Mar 18-24, 2024
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Jax Eagle Pix Blog

Bald Eagle Blog, where I share my regular encounters and photos of Bald Eagles.

Field Report - Mar 18-24, 2024
Field Report - Mar 18-24, 2024

Greetings one and all.  This past week was not at all conducive to my getting out and seeing the local eagles.  Between some torrential rain storms and very strong winds pretty much all week, I only got out twice.  Fortunately, I did see eagles both times.

A quick FYI on the impact of the wind…

I use a large telephoto lens for my photos.  I hand hold my camera as opposed to using a tripod and in strong winds, the large lens almost acts like a sail and gets blown all over the place.  This limits my ability to get the quality of photos that I want.  Generally, I can shoot at anything less than wind of 10 mph.

March 20

I saw one eagle at my local pond where he was perched on what I call the Far Perch.  By my estimate, the far perch is probably 300 yards away.  This is way to far away to take any decent  photos. 

This is what my camera sees.  Way to far away for a decent photo

I stayed for about an hour and he never left his spot.

March 22

I got back out to the pond on Friday.  When I first arrived, I couldn’t find any eagles.  After about half an hour, I was ready to leave.  As I reached my car, I saw the local male (John) circling overhead. 

I watched him for a bit as he continued to circle.    Eventually, he dove for the water, grabbed a fish and headed back in my general direction.

I tried to grab a photo of him with his catch, but he pretty much flew right in front of the sun, which make for some impossible photo conditions.  This was the best I got.

Hard to get a good photo when he flies towards the sun


Later that day, I took a trip to check on things at the nest.  Sandy was in her usual spot doing Mom stuff.  I didn't see John when I first arrived,.

Sandy sitting on the nest taking care of business

John arrived moments later with a huge stick.  A spirited debate ensued as to where the stick should be located.  Sandy won the debate and placed the stick precisely where she wanted it.

Eagles are constantly working on their nests, adding new sticks

I hope everyone has a good week and as always, if you have any questions or comments, you can leave them below.

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